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Wisdom is the ability to contemplate and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. What a great definition, don’t you agree?
The questions you may have around this could be: How do I find the wisdom I’m looking for? How can I share the wisdom I have with others? How can we use the wisdom we’ve gained? These are great questions that deserve answers that are co-created by a group of people, not just one “expert”.
Once these questions have been answered, there may be another one worth thinking about. When was the last time you felt inspired?
Inspiration comes from Latin and means to breathe into. In 2016 a study was done with art students. When they were exposed to others’ work, this facilitated their creativity, because the students' perspectives were challenged. They took on new ideas and improved their creativity.
Imagine this scenario: There’s a Zoom room with these people:
a British man with a technical and sales background
an Egyptian man who coordinates programs for children to learn music in schools
an American woman who’s working on writing a book
an American woman acting as the facilitator and guide
They spent 30 minutes discussing issues they had with communication. By the end, everyone had contributed some wisdom, asked questions to gain wisdom and was inspired to take what they’d learned and apply it in their own lives
Would you like to join a group to have such an experience? Then you’re in the right place. Interactions with others, improving something through a process, finding a source of pleasure. Put these three ideas together, and you’ll have the basis of our unique source of wisdom and inspiration:
TREATs for BEST Communication.
If this is our initial contact, welcome to the world of wispiration, a combination of wisdom and inspiration. My name is Rhonda Bowen, and I’m your global strategic communication guide for experiences that support your wispiration. Let’s take a closer look at this experience: TREATs for BEST Communication.
As BEST professionals (business, engineering, science, technology) we meet to find new ways to communicate better across cultures. This is the TREATs framework:
Spend 30 minutes with your peers (at various times to accommodate everyone’s time zone) to get the insights and support you need for communicating better across cultures. To attend any of our upcoming sessions, free of charge, of course, look for them by using this link to our calendar at the bottom of this page.
Look for the sessions called TREATs and choose one (or many) that is convenient. Join us using the Zoom link you find there at the time listed in your time zone. We look forward to great interactions, exchanging wisdom, finding inspiration and taking action together with you soon.
If you’d like to find out more about other experiences we offer, sign up to our email list to get insights and information first-hand delivered to your inbox. You’ll find the form below next to the video.